Resetting Your Money Mindset

Resetting Your Money Mindset

Saturday, February 03, 2024, 12:00 AM

Resetting Your Money Mindset: Spending, Giving, and Investing

Friends, if we're honest, we all have areas of our financial lives we'd like to shore up. Habits we'd like to break or form, questions we'd like answered, mysteries we'd like solved.

Join us on Saturday, February 3rd at Grace Church for FREE breakfast and a FREE morning seminar meant to help us lay some biblical and practical foundations on three major topics about money:

Spending Intentionally

Giving Purposefully

Investing Wisely

The Financial Discipleship Team is excited to present this seminar in the hopes of helping each and every person at Grace Church grow in their understanding and grasp of the money topics they need help with...and how to find that help.

There will be presentations from some key financial leaders in our church and community.

In addition, there is an optional "Lunch and Learn Q&A with our panel."

A light breakfast will be served at 8:30, the seminar will run from 9-12:00 followed by the optional Lunch and Learn from 12:15-1:30.

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